Los Angeles Wedding Planner, LA Wedding Planner, Orange County Wedding Planner, OC Wedding Planner, Destination Wedding Planner, Luxury Wedding Planner, The Events Boutique

Wedding & Corporate Event Planning
Southern California | Dallas | Mexico | Destination
Some Plan. Some Create. We Curate.

Meet the Team

Christina Cruz
Chief Events Officer
Principle Planner

Allison Saso
Senior Planner

Taneel LaForte
Senior Planner

Cory Carasco
Senior Planner
Hello there! I'm Christina and I have a confession to make…I would probably be a Party Crasher if I was not an Event Planner! I love everything about them and everything they stand for. I love them so much I set out on a journey almost 20 years ago to do what I love as a career.
This is the part where most planners will tell you "I planned my sisters wedding and you know the rest of that story, or I got married last year and I didn't hire a planner and regretted it so I became one....and occasionally you will hear I found my calling and left my career as a Lawyer to become an event planner"...back up... rewind...wait....what... huh?
My story starts in hospitality 20 years ago while attending college bartending and serving in restaurants. After graduating with a BFA in Interior Architectural Design and a Minor in Hospitality Management, I worked for MTV and VH-1 for 5 years working in production and eventually landed in events producing launch and wrap parties and show screenings. I am sure you have heard of the MTV Movie Awards and the VMA’s...yes I was apart of that production team some moons ago. Knowing I was destined to plan kick-ass events, I went back to hospitality, where I continued building my resume in the Hotel and Restaurant industry. Looking back over the past 20 years, I was the Director of Food and Beverage for a Luxury Boutique Hotel in Manhattan Beach. I was the Service Manager for one of the largest restaurant groups traveling around the US opening new properties. I made it to the 2nd level Sommelier certification, I heart wine! I was the Director of Events for a prestigious museum. I have consulted on many new venues that have opened and advised them on venue management and catering sales. To date- have managed and designed over 1000 events. I also mastered a few fun skills along the way…graphic and floral design and mixology. I can make a mean craft cocktail!
In 2008, I created The Events Boutique out of love and passion for the industry. I believe in working hard and I believe every event can be flawless. The best advice I was ever given, was never ask someone or advise someone to do something you have never physically done yourself. I took that to heart and live my life every day by it. There is nothing we won't do to make each and every event as perfect as it can be. Seriously...I have washed dishes and plunged a toilet because it needed to be done!
My professional career has taken me on an amazing and blessed journey enabling me to grow our team with the most talented, creative, smart, experienced, and OCD ladies I could find.
So now that you know a little bit of our story, we can't wait to hear yours. Let’s chat over a latte and a cupcake and see if we mesh!